National Initiative for Sustainable and Climate Smart Oil Palm Smallholders (NISCOPS Project)
PartnersSOLIDARIDAD and IDH, Nigeria.
Start Date2020
End Date2024
SolutionPalm Oil Production
The NISCOPS Project is a collaborative research between SOLIDARIDAD and IDH, Nigeria. In Ghana, SOLIDARIDAD and CIRAD (International Research Partner) have chosen CSIR-Oil Palm Research Institute as National Research Partner (NRP). The Programme envisions to create a framework through existing National Initiatives to contribute to climate policy objectives including Ghana’s Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Climate Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals and market access and scaling up sustainable and climate-smart oil palm cultivation by smallholders.
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Modernization of Agriculture in Ghana (MAG)
PartnersFAO, CSIR
Start Date01/02/2017
End Date31/03/2021
MAG is a national agricultural programme involving the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and research organizations in the country with sponsorship from the Canadian Government. The programme seeks to facilitate technology transfer to end-users towards increased pace of agricultural productivity. The CSIR-OPRI participates in the programme through coordination of the Eastern, Western and Western North Regional RELCs. The institute also supplies improved planting materials of oil palm and coconut to farmers under MAG through the Departments of Agriculture of the District Assemblies.
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Planting for Export and Rural Development (PERD)
PartnersFAO, CSIR, GOG
Start Date2017
End Date2024
The PERD is a flagship programme of the Government of Ghana intended to promote rural economic growth and improve household incomes of rural farmers through the provision of certified improved seedlings, extension services, business support and regulatory mechanisms. The CSIR-OPRI provides improved planting materials of oil palm and coconut to farmers under the PERD through the Departments of Agriculture of the District Assemblies.
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Creation of variability through mutations (Oil Palm Mutation Breeding)
PartnersGAEC, IAEA
Start Date01/02/2018
End Date31/03/2023
Oil Palm Mutation Breeding Project is a collaborative research between CSIR-OPRI, the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The seeks to identify useful mutants by selfing M1 palms (which were grown from irradiated seed or seed produced from irradiated pollen) to obtain M2 palms for evaluation and characterization.
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Improving nutritional quality and stability of palm oil produced by African Small-holders to fulfill African consumers' needs (VITAPALM Project)
PartnersIRAD-CEREPAH, Cameroon; University of Bordeaux, France and University of Bonn, Germany
Start Date01/09/2018
End Date31/08/2021
The VITAPALM Project is a collaborative research between CSIR-OPRI, Ghana; IRAD-CEREPAH, Cameroon; University of Bordeaux, France and University of Bonn, Germany and being funded by the European Commission/Government of Ghana. The project seeks to breed new varieties of oil palm that produce non-refined crude oil with improved nutritional qualities (lower saturated fat and higher levels of vitamins) and increased stability (low-lipase content).
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Insect-borne prokaryote-associated diseases in tropical and subtropical crops (TROPICSAFE Project)
Partners22 Collaborators
Start Date01/01/2020
End Date31/12/2024
The TropicSafe Project, is funded by the European Union and it involves 22 international organizations and universities. TropicSafe Project has a broad objective to provide innovative technologies and solutions to address economically important diseases that are caused by prokaryotes and transmitted by insect vectors in tropical and sub-tropical countries. In Ghana, the Cape St. Paul Wilt Disease (CSPWD) caused by a phytoplasma is the focus of the project.
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