Elizabeth Tettey attended University of Ghana, Legon under the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Science (ARPPIS) where she obtained M. Phil in Entomology through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship and holds a B.Sc Agriculture (Crop Protection) form University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. She has participated in several training courses and scientific conferences.
Her research interest is in insect vectors of plant disease, integrated pest management, insect ecology for pest regulation and management strategy to promote food security.
Currently she is part of the research team on the integrated production and pest management of coconut pests under the European Union (EU) project: Insect-borne prokaryote-associated diseases in tropical and subtropical perennial crops (TROPICSAFE) (vector discovery and management of the Cape St Paul Wilt Disease (CSPWD) (Lethal Yellowing) which is being implemented by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Oil Palm Research Institute, Coconut Research Programme, Sekondi, Ghana.
Elizabeth Tettey is a member of the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Science Scholars Association (ASA), Research Staff Association (RSA), Ghana Science Association (GSA), Entomological Society of Ghana (ESG) and Plant Protection Society, Ghana (PPSG).
List of publication
W A Jonfia-Essien, E Tettey, (2016) Fat content and free fatty acid level of cocoa beans (Theobroma cacoa) relative to fermentation and storage periods • Proceedings of 10 International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Stored Products
Tettey, E., Jonfia-Essien, W.A. and Obeng-Ofori, D. (2014). The Impact of Insect Infestation on Stored Purpled Cocoa Beans. JENRM 1 (3): 8 – 13.
Mbahi, E.B, Jonfia-Essien, W.A. and Obeng-Ofori, D. (2013). Impact of Storage on the Purpleness of Cocoa Beans and Level of Insect Damage to Stored Cocoa Beans (Abstract). Ghana Science Association, 28th Biennial Conference Book of Abstracts, p39. (Published)