Dr. Isaac Danso obtained a Degree in Crop Science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and MPHIL in Soil Science from the same University. He currently holds a PhD in Climate change and Cropping System (Agronomy) from University of Bonn, Germany. Isaac also holds a certificate in Project Management from Nordic Agricultural Academy, Odense NV, Denmark.
He is currently the lead local scientist for the National Initiative for Sustainable and Climate Oil Palm Smallholders (NISCOPS) programme by SOLIDARIDAD, West Africa, which seeks to create a framework through existing National Initiatives to contribute to climate policy and scaling up of sustainable and climate-smart oil palm cultivation by smallholder farmers in Ghana. He is an awardee of CSIR-Competitive Research Grant Scheme project.
He was part of the Agronomy team that executed the applied research component of the Buabin oil palm outgrower project in the central region under World Bank sponsorship from 2009 to 2012. He has and continues to serve as a consultant to many research organizations in Ghana and in the sub-region. In 2017, Dr. Danso was the lead consultant for the Climate Change component for the 40-year development plan for Ghana by National Development Planning Commission (NDPC). Dr. Danso is an Agricultural Expert for ESOKO Ghana since 2015 and currently Chairs Africa Palm Oil Initiative Ghana National Platform. He has over hundred (100) publications including refereed journal papers, edited research reports, consultancy reports, conference paper abstracts and chapter in books. Isaac is also a fellow of DANIDA fellowship program in Denmark and currently Heads the Agronomy Division and a Focal Person for Quality Management System (QMS) for CSIR-OPRI. Isaac chairs various committees within the Institute and is currently supervising two MPHIL students in KNUST. He is a member of Ghana Science Association, Research Staff Association of CSIR and a member of German students Alumni. He is currently a Senior Research Scientist and is married with children.