Fred Kormla Ablormeti obtained his B.Ed. in Agriculture from University of Education, Winneba and his MPhil in Crop Science, Plant Pathology option from University of Ghana, Legon.
His MPhil thesis was titled ‘Aetilogy, economic importance and control of mango tree decline disease in Northern Region of Ghana’ under the sponsorship of Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID), a research support arm of the University of Ghana, Legon.
He has diverse research interests in Host-pathogen ecology, Disease aetiology and pathogen characterization, Oil palm and coconut disease epidemiology, Host plant resistance to disease and Integrated disease management. Furthermore, he is an expert in greenhouse management.
He is currently working on the following projects: characterisation of the causal agent(s) of coconut bud rot disease in Ghana, Interaction of Meloidogyne incognita and Phytophthora palmivora on coconut seedlings and Containment of Cape Saint Paul Wilt Disease (CSPWD) of coconut in Ghana.
Fred is a member of CSIR- Research Staff Association (RSA) and Plant Protection Society, Ghana.
Honger, J. O., Coleman, S. R., Ablormeti, F. K., Cornelius, W. E., Owusu, E. & Odamtten, G. T. (2018). The Aetiology, incidence and severity of mango tree decline disease in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Science, 58, 13-22.
Honger, J.O., Ablormeti, F.K., Coleman, S.R., Cornelius, E.W., Owusu, E. & Odamtten, G.T. (2018). Differentiation of two Botryosphaeriaceae species isolated from declining mango trees in Ghana. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, 6, 14 – 25.