Albert graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) with a BSc. degree in Agriculture (Crop Science) and MSc degree in Agronomy respectively.. He also obtained a certificate in Food Security: Agro-processing and quality assurance on selected agro-industrial products from the University of Kasersart, Bangkok, Thailand.
Albert joined the CSIR -Oil Palm Research Institute as a Research Scientist and was promoted to Senior Research Scientist in 2017. Albert is noted for his initiative and innovative solutions to challenges along the coconut oil processing chain and value addition in general. Albert has keen interest in skills development, capacity building and technology transfer for income generation in a number of coconut growing communities in Ghana. Nationally, Albert has championed the creation of awareness on the health and nutritional benefits of coconut oil (VCO) and other edible coconut products.
Albert has over 21 scientific publications in his name. He has copyright to the CSIR Virgin coconut oil technology and has transfered skills to over 200 farmers in Ghana. He led the fabrication of the first specific coconut grater which contributed to the success of this technology. He is married with children.